062918 FridayWarm up: Stretch Strength: 1) Snatch Balance 2-2-2-2-2 (Building) 2) Squat Snatch 5 x 2 (Across) Conditioning: For time 20 Power Snatches...
062818 ThursdayWarm up: Stretch Conditioning: 1) “Fight Club” 3 Rounds for total reps 1 minute of Thrusters (95/65) 1 minute of Power Cleans (95/65) 1...
062718 WednesdayWarm up: Stretch Strength: Front Squat 4 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 80% 4 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 85% 4 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 90% Rest as needed between...
062618 TuesdayWarm up: Stretch Strength: On the 2:00min x 6 sets 5 Deadlifts + 3 Hang Power Clean + 1 Split jerk Conditioning: AMRAP x 4min 3 Rounds 12...
062518 MondayWarm up: Stretch Strength: EMOM x 10min 3 Back Squats (building until you get to a heavy triple for the day) Conditioning: 4RFT 400m Run...
062218 FridayWarm up: Stretch Strength: Bench Press 5x10 (Across) Back Ext 5x10 *superset BE between each set of bench Conditioning: 4RFT 21 Wall...
062118 ThursdayWarm up: Stretch Conditioning: “300” 10 Rounds for time 5 Strict C2b pull ups 10 ‘X’ Dumbbell movement (55/35) 15 GHD sit ups Round 1-...
062018 WednesdayWarm up: Stretch 1) Strength: EMOM x 7min 1 Heavy Power Snatch 2) Conditioning: 3RFT 75 dbl unders 50 Air squats 15 Power Snatch (115/80)...
061918 TuesdayWarm up: Stretch Strength: Front squat 5 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 80% 5 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 85% 5 reps @ 75% 1 rep @ 90% Rest as needed between...
061818 MondayWarm up: Stretch 1) Strength: Push press 5-4-3-2-1 (building) 2) Gymnastics AMRAP x 5min Kipping HSPU (Starting at 0:00) on the minute,...